Stenhousemuir Primary pupils dancing up a storm in Dundee

Stenhousemuir Primary School dancers will be performing at the J Rock event in DundeeStenhousemuir Primary School dancers will be performing at the J Rock event in Dundee
Stenhousemuir Primary School dancers will be performing at the J Rock event in Dundee
A team of talented young dancers from Stenhousemuir Primary School are currently busting some moves in Dundee competing in the national J Rock competition.

The school enjoyed great success at last year’s event – winnig six Awards of Excellence – and hope to repeat that performance at today’s dance off and make it through to the first ever Scottish J Rock final.

Charlotte Payne, event manager, said: “I look forward to seeing the wide range of performances the schools bring to our events every year! It’s always fantastic to see the hard work put in by all the schools realised on stage.

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“This year we are putting on more shows than in any other year.”

Originating in Australia, the Global Rock Challenge and J Rock events have been staged since 1988 in 120 locations throughout Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the UK, South Africa, Germany and United Arab Emirates, with over one million participants globally.

The dance initiative aims to help young people enjoy school and live pro-active and positive lifestyles free from tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.