Crown Hotel approved to sell takeaway alcohol

The Crown Hotel has been given permission to sell alcohol for takeaway purposes.The Crown Hotel has been given permission to sell alcohol for takeaway purposes.
The Crown Hotel has been given permission to sell alcohol for takeaway purposes.
The Crown Hotel in Dennyloanhead has been given permission to sell alcohol to take away from the premises.

Members of Falkirk Council’s licensing board also granted it permission to open from 11 am on Sunday mornings.

One written objection had been received by the board containing several allegations, including noise coming from the car park and cannabis being smoked by customers.

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In his response, Mr Valentine told members that he did not allow drinking in the car park and he had never come across anyone smoking cannabis in the car park as had been alleged.

Convener Niall Coleman said they took all objections very seriously but he noted there was no evidence from Licensing Standards Officers or Police Scotland to verify or substantiate the allegations.

He said: “It seems like a wholly well run establishment.”

An inititial application to create an outdoor drinking area was withdrawn and the licence was granted.