Hermes parcel delivery frustrations in Linlithgow

Stock photo of Linlithgow.Stock photo of Linlithgow.
Stock photo of Linlithgow.
Delivery company Hermes has blamed “high volumes of parcels in the area” after people in Linlithgow complained about the service locally.

The company also promised to rectify the problem as soon as possible, after locals were left angry when parcels failed to show on time.

Kirsten Lamb was left frustrated at being unable to communicate directly with anyone at Hermes, after a dress she ordered didn’t arrive in time for a trip to London.

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She said: “I think it is disgraceful that you can not speak to anyone.”

Lorna Simpson also spoke of her frustrations while waiting on four parcels.

And Claire Withnell was angry after Hermes said her parcel was lost.

A spokesperson for Hermes said: “We can confirm that we are experiencing high volumes of parcels in the area which is resulting in some delays. Our local team is working hard to deliver all items as quickly as possible and we thank everyone for their patience.”

The spokesperson added: "Anyone who is concerned about a delivery should contact their retailer or seller in the first instance who will then contact Hermes if required."

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