Bo’ness man fined for revenge porn threat

Picture Michael Gillen.  Falkirk Sheriff Court exterior.Picture Michael Gillen.  Falkirk Sheriff Court exterior.
Picture Michael Gillen. Falkirk Sheriff Court exterior.
A revenge porn offender repeatedly threatened to post an intimate photo of his former partner on Facebook if she did not meet with him.

Michael Reid’s blackmail attempts came to nothing when his ex partner instead called in the police.

Reid (29), of Lyon Court, Bo’ness, appeared at Falkirk Sheriff Court last week having admitted causing his former partner fear and alarm by repeatedly threatening to post a digital image of her in the nude on social media.

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Rachel Wallace, procurator fiscal depute, said: “The accused and witness were previously in a relationship for six years. After the break down of that relationship the accused sent a picture message to the witness.

“It was an old picture of her naked taken consensually when the couple were together a number of years previously.

“The accused threatened to display the image on social media should the witness fail to meet with him.

“The witness requested deletion of the image, however, the accused refused and sent another screenshot which showed the image as part of an unpublished Facebook post.

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“He again suggested he would post the picture should she fail to meet with him.

“However, she did not meet with him and instead contacted police.”

Sheriff Derek Livingston said: “So he has basically used the photograph as some sort of control. He doesn’t seem to realise he has been involved in a revenge porn threat.”

Addressing Reid, Sheriff Livingston said: “You see yourself as the victim here so I think it’s time you got more insight into this.”

He fined Reid £740 to be paid back at £100 per month.