Text of the week

Douglas MoodieDouglas Moodie
Douglas Moodie
'Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.' (Romans 5v5)

There are many things in life that we have hoped for but we have been disappointed. Some of us may be disappointed in the outcome of last week’s General Election. Some of us disappointed because our football team failed to win promotion. Our hopes have been dashed.

Good people who we have placed our hopes in can also let us down and disappoint us. In fact, you would be a strange person if you had never known disappointment. Our text tells us that the hope that the gospel gives will never disappoint us. Our earthly hopes might be uncertain, but Christian hope is not uncertain. Christian hope, the hope of eternal life, the hope of heaven, is a joyful and confident expectation.

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This is because God has poured out his love into our hearts.

The Holy Spirit brings home to the Christian the reality of God’s love.

God loved us and therefore he gave his Son to die for us.

He loves us today with that same love. He will always love us, and he tells us he loves us. You will not be disappointed. Have you put your faith in Christ and experienced his love poured into your heart? Do you have this certain hope of heaven and eternal life?

Douglas Moodie,

Olivet Evangelical Church