Spittle flewas drunk thug raged at teens

Muir was so enraged spittle flew from his mouthMuir was so enraged spittle flew from his mouth
Muir was so enraged spittle flew from his mouth
A drunken thug was so enraged spittle flew from his mouth as he threatened to fight two 16-year-old girls.

Jason Muir (26) was looking for trouble in Falkirk town centre and focused his attention on the two teenagers at a superstore and showered them with disgusting language and comments.

Appearing at Falkirk Sheriff Court last Thursday, Muir, 44 Bridgend Road, Avonbridge, had previously admitted behaving in a threatening manner at Asda, Newmarket Street, Falkirk, on March 30.

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Defence solicitor Neil Hay said Muir’s threats were “pretty typical drunk and disorderly conduct”.

Sheriff Derek Livingston responded: “I’m not sure people threatening to have sexual intercourse with your mother can be classed as typical.”

Mr Hay continued: “His use of these words was not appropriate. It wasn’t targeted deliberately at these young ladies. The spittle that landed on them came as he was talking.

“This is not a case which involved physical violence.”

Addressing Muir, Sheriff Livingston said: “You have caused these girls a considerable amount of stress.”

Muir was placed on a supervised community payback order for 12 months with the condition he complete 180 hours unpaid work within nine months and pay compensation of £500 to each complainer.