Caught trying to flush drugs down loo

Toye flushed the drugs down a toiletToye flushed the drugs down a toilet
Toye flushed the drugs down a toilet
Brian Toye tried to flush £2000 worth of cannabis down the toilet.

Toye previously admitted being concerned in the supply of the class B drug at his 34 Langlees Street, Langlees home on February 9 last year. He got an 18 month supervised community payback order and was told to complete 175 hours of unpaid work within nine months.

In the same court, Alexander Law (24), 1 Buchanan Court, New Carron, and Martyn Mackintosh (25), 37 Zetland Drive, Laurieston, both admitted being concerned in the supply of £2190 of cannabis in Dundee Court, Carron between December 27, 2014 and January 27, 2015. Law was placed on a supervised community payback order for 18 months and given 150 hours unpaid work to complete in 12 months, while Mackintosh received 200 hours work to complete in nine months.