Evening classes at Forth Valley: Falkirk, Stirling and Alloa

Kickstart your next career or hobby within weeksKickstart your next career or hobby within weeks
Kickstart your next career or hobby within weeks
Learning new skills and improving existing ones will be essential as we emerge from lockdown – and Forth Valley College’s new evening course provision can help change your working and leisure life for good.

If ever there was a time to learn new skills that could lead to full-time courses, better your job prospects, enhance your existing career or even find a new one, the time is now and FVC’s new range of evening courses – starting from September 2020 – are guaranteed to offer something for everyone.

Applications went live in July, with courses being offered at all campuses in Falkirk, Stirling and Alloa, across four nights, which will help people do more with their evenings and transform their career path, CV, skillset and creative and cultural hobbies.

Post lockdown many people have been inspired to make changes, learn new things and seize the day . . . and the night. Evening classes at FVC could be the ideal answer to help them do all of that.

Don't miss out, book your place todayDon't miss out, book your place today
Don't miss out, book your place today


Those interested in higher level study will be attracted to the range of Higher National Certificates (HNCs) – and some Higher National Diplomas (HNDs) - available in areas such as Administration and Information Technology, Accounting, Business, Childhood Practice, Construction Management, Electrical Engineering, Management and Leadership and Mechanical Engineering.

Other certificated courses available include City and Guilds qualifications in Electrical Installation and a wide variety of hair and beauty related subjects. There are also Professional Development Awards available.


Commercial courses will be very popular and they are available for electricians to complete their essential 18th Edition IEE regulations and for those looking to improve their physical and mental first aid skills. The programme also includes Highers in English, Human Biology, Mathematics and Chemistry and National 5 Level Maths.

Just for fun

The vast range of leisure classes available are also expected to generate a lot of interest. Courses such as Basic Plumbing Skills, Woodworking Skills, Painting and Decorating, Woodworking, Ceramics, Personal Training, First Aid, Italian for Holidays, English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), Youth Work, Tour Guiding, Personal Training, REHIS Food Hygiene, Applied Forensic Science, Artisan Bakery, and Creative Baking have the potential to develop useful skills which will enhance everyday life.

There are also Kids’ Cookery and STEM evening classes for kids to do, while parents are in class!

Also available are a range of classes for those seeking a hobby including: Digging Stirling: An Introduction to Archaeology, Home Sewn, Finger Spelling, Life Drawing, Illustration, Script Writing, Creative Writing, Photography, Floristry, Drawing and Painting, Screen Printing, Sound Design, Live Sound for Musicians and Film-makers, Applied Forensic Science, Introduction to Welding, DIY Home Decoration, Computer Aided Design (CAD), Can’t Cook Must Eat, various beauty treatment classes, plus many more.

For more information and to book, visit www.forthvalley.ac.uk/evening or e-mail [email protected] or call 01324 403123.