Questions asked over improvements to Polmont junction

The busy four way junction at Grandsable Road, Salmon Inn Road and the A801.  Pic: Michael Gillen.The busy four way junction at Grandsable Road, Salmon Inn Road and the A801.  Pic: Michael Gillen.
The busy four way junction at Grandsable Road, Salmon Inn Road and the A801. Pic: Michael Gillen.
Questions have been asked over potential improvements to a Polmont road junction '“ however council bosses say they don't have the cash to do the work.

The four way junction at Grandsable Road, Salmon Inn Road and the A801 was the site of a two vehicle accident last Tuesday morning.

And since then, members of the public have been asking why measures such as traffic lights have not already been installed there.

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Falkirk Herald readers took to our Facebook page to air their views.

Elizabeth Jackson Corbett wrote: “There should be lights there, terrible junction to get out of.”

While Sarah Machen said: “I don’t understand how every other junction in Falkirk has had “improvements” made for safety yet this one remains untouched! Even motion sensitive traffic lights (or whatever they’re called) would be better than the current stop and give ways.”

Gemma Cunningham wrote of her experience: “I was in an accident at the exact same spot just over two years ago. Driver pulled out at the stop junction and into the side of my car! Roundabout or traffic lights is a must – disgrace this hasn’t been addressed.”

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And the difficult junction is something locals are well aware of.

Rosemary Taylor, convener of Polmont Community Council, said: “The community council has discussed this junction in the past and are always concerned when an accident occurs.

“However, many people are doubtful of how to drive through the junction, while many others avoid it and use Kirk Entry to get to Grangemouth.”

She added that the community council is “very aware” of the council’s financial restraints and also the future increase in traffic in the area due to the new distillery.

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Local councillor Malcolm Nicol also expressed his concerns on the junction, which he says has been raised as an issue by local residents in the past.

He said: “It’s surprising there’s not been more accidents at this junction.

“The road markings are very confusing particularly for people not used to it.

“I appreciate it’s done this way to comply with guidelines from the Scottish Government but, none the less, I think the installation of traffic lights would assist.

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“There are lots of people that just avoid the junction full stop.”

However this week Falkirk Council has defended the junction, saying that some steps to improve safety there were taken seven years ago.

A spokesman for the local authority said: “In 2011 we reduced the previous speed limit to 40 mph, improved street lighting and installed traffic islands.

“Road markings have also been improved and, as a result, road accidents at this junction have reduced by 45 per cent.”

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When asked about the possibility of installing further improvements, such as traffic lights or a roundabout as had been suggested by members of the public, the spokesman added: “Current estimates suggest that improvement works to this junction (introducing traffic signals or a roundabout) would be in the region of £1.4m and is currently beyond available resources relative to other projects.”

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